Catalog: Sets: NINJAGO: Tournament of Elements: 70745-1: Inv: MinifiguresPrinter-friendly page
Anacondrai Crusher

Set No: 70745  Name: Anacondrai Crusher

This Set Contains the following Minifigures:

 Chk   Image   Qty   Item No  Description   MID 
Regular Items:
Minifig No: njo121  Name: Kai (Jungle Robe) - Tournament of Elements, Scabbard
 1  njo121 (Inv)Kai (Jungle Robe) - Tournament of Elements, Scabbard
Catalog: MinifiguresNINJAGOTournament of Elements
Minifig No: njo120  Name: Krait
 1  njo120 (Inv)Krait
Catalog: MinifiguresNINJAGOTournament of Elements


 Type  Unique Lots  Total Qty 
Regular Items:
 Minifigures  2  2 

Sealed Set Contents

sokolean (6542) inventoried this Set on Feb 22, 2015

Inventory last updated on Jun 22, 2019