Catalog: Minifigures: The LEGO Movie 2: tlm184: InvPrinter-friendly page
Balthazar - Vampire Bat

Minifig No: tlm184  Name: Balthazar - Vampire Bat

This Minifigure Consists of the following Items:

 Chk   Image   Qty   Item No  Description   MID 
Regular Items:
Part No: 51450  Name: Bat Body
 1  51450Dark Blue Bat Body
Catalog: PartsAnimal, Body Part
Part No: 49585  Name: Mini Doll, Hair Crystal Spiked
 1  49585Glitter Trans-Light Blue Mini Doll, Hair Crystal Spiked
Catalog: PartsMini Doll, Hair
Part No: 57491  Name: Mini Doll, Head Friends Male Large with Yellow Wide Eyes, Black Eyebrows, Fangs and Open Mouth with Tongue Pattern (Balthazar)
 1  57491Light Aqua Mini Doll, Head Friends Male Large with Yellow Wide Eyes, Black Eyebrows, Fangs and Open Mouth with Tongue Pattern (Balthazar)
Catalog: PartsMini Doll, Head


 Type  Unique Lots  Total Qty 
Regular Items:
 Parts  3  3 

Sealed Set Contents

Hygrotus (869) inventoried this Minifigure on May 3, 2019