Catalog: Minifigures: NEXO KNIGHTS: nex047: InvPrinter-friendly page
Lavaria - Cape

Minifig No: nex047  Name: Lavaria - Cape

This Minifigure Consists of the following Items:

 Chk   Image   Qty   Item No  Description   MID 
Regular Items:
Part No: 970c05pb14  Name: Hips and Red Legs with Ornate Silver Belt, Black Armor, Dark Red Spots and Orange and Black Claws Pattern
 1  970c05pb14Black Hips and Red Legs with Ornate Silver Belt, Black Armor, Dark Red Spots and Orange and Black Claws Pattern
Catalog: PartsMinifigure, Legs, Decorated
Part No: 522  Name: Minifigure Cape Cloth, Standard - Traditional Starched Fabric - 4.0cm Height
 1  522Black Minifigure Cape Cloth, Standard - Traditional Starched Fabric - 4.0cm Height
Catalog: PartsMinifigure, Body Wear
Part No: 30381  Name: Minifigure, Headgear Hood
 1  30381Black Minifigure, Headgear Hood
Catalog: PartsMinifigure, Headgear
Part No: 3626pb1505  Name: Minifigure, Head Dual Sided Alien Female Black Eyebrows, Yellow Sunken Eyes, Black Lips, Dark Red Spots, Smirk / Bared Teeth Pattern
 1  3626pb1505Red Minifigure, Head Dual Sided Alien Female Black Eyebrows, Yellow Sunken Eyes, Black Lips, Dark Red Spots, Smirk / Bared Teeth Pattern
Catalog: PartsMinifigure, Head
Part No: 973pb2425c01  Name: Torso Nexo Knights Female Armor Chest Plate and Dark Red Spots Pattern / Red Arms / Dark Red Hands
 1  973pb2425c01 (Inv)Red Torso Nexo Knights Female Armor Chest Plate and Dark Red Spots Pattern / Red Arms / Dark Red Hands
Catalog: PartsMinifigure, Torso Assembly, Decor.


 Type  Unique Lots  Total Qty 
Regular Items:
 Parts  5  5 

Sealed Set Contents

axaday (7728) inventoried this Minifigure on Aug 26, 2016