Catalog: Minifigures: Friends: frnd545: InvPrinter-friendly page
Friends Stephanie - Lavender Sailing Outfit, Coral Cap, Orange Life Jacket

Minifig No: frnd545  Name: Friends Stephanie - Lavender Sailing Outfit, Coral Cap, Orange Life Jacket

This Minifigure Consists of the following Items:

 Image   Qty   Item No  Description   MID 
Regular Items:
Part No: 35660pb10  Name: Minifigure, Hair Combo, Hair with Hat, Ponytail with Molded Coral Ball Cap Pattern
 1  35660pb10Bright Light Yellow Minifigure, Hair Combo, Hair with Hat, Ponytail with Molded Coral Ball Cap Pattern
Catalog: PartsMinifigure, Hair
Part No: 67072c00pb001  Name: Mini Doll Hips and Trousers with Back Pockets with Molded Pearl Dark Gray Lower Legs / Boots and Printed Dark Turquoise Patches Pattern - Thin Hinge
 1  67072c00pb001Lavender Mini Doll Hips and Trousers with Back Pockets with Molded Pearl Dark Gray Lower Legs / Boots and Printed Dark Turquoise Patches Pattern - Thin Hinge
Catalog: PartsMini Doll, Legs
Part No: 37592  Name: Mini Doll, Head Friends with Medium Azure Eyes, Dark Pink Lips, and Open Mouth Smile with Teeth Pattern
 1  37592Light Nougat Mini Doll, Head Friends with Medium Azure Eyes, Dark Pink Lips, and Open Mouth Smile with Teeth Pattern
Catalog: PartsMini Doll, Head
Part No: FTGpb369c01  Name: Torso Mini Doll Girl Lavender, Coral, and Pearl Dark Gray Sailing Outfit, Badges, Name Tag, and Pockets Pattern, Light Nougat Arms with Hands
 1  FTGpb369c01Light Nougat Torso Mini Doll Girl Lavender, Coral, and Pearl Dark Gray Sailing Outfit, Badges, Name Tag, and Pockets Pattern, Light Nougat Arms with Hands
Catalog: PartsMini Doll, Torso
Part No: 24184  Name: Mini Doll, Life Jacket, Friends
 1  24184Orange Mini Doll, Life Jacket, Friends
Catalog: PartsMini Doll, Body Wear


 Type  Unique Lots  Total Qty 
Regular Items:
 Parts  5  5 

Sealed Set Contents

jennnifer (3585) inventoried this Minifigure on Jul 2, 2022