Catalog: Minifigures: Disney: Mickey and Friends: dis076: InvPrinter-friendly page
Goofy - Orange Shirt, Lime Vest, Tie with Blue Polka Dots

Minifig No: dis076  Name: Goofy - Orange Shirt, Lime Vest, Tie with Blue Polka Dots

This Minifigure Consists of the following Items:

 Image   Qty   Item No  Description   MID 
Regular Items:
Part No: 55641pb01  Name: Minifigure, Head, Modified Dog with Light Nougat Muzzle, White Eyes, Buck Teeth and Lime Hat Pattern (Goofy)
 1  55641pb01Black Minifigure, Head, Modified Dog with Light Nougat Muzzle, White Eyes, Buck Teeth and Lime Hat Pattern (Goofy)
Catalog: PartsMinifigure, Head, Modified
Part No: 970c00  Name: Hips  and Legs Plain
 1  970c00 (Inv)Blue Hips and Legs Plain
Catalog: PartsMinifigure, Legs
Part No: 973pb4731c01  Name: Torso Shirt, Lime Open Vest and Medium Azure Tie with Blue Polka Dots Pattern / Orange Arms / White Hands
 1  973pb4731c01 (Inv)Orange Torso Shirt, Lime Open Vest and Medium Azure Tie with Blue Polka Dots Pattern / Orange Arms / White Hands
Catalog: PartsMinifigure, Torso Assembly, Decor.


 Type  Unique Lots  Total Qty 
Regular Items:
 Parts  3  3 


TakeAbricK (13706) inventoried this Minifigure on Jun 10, 2022