Catalog: Parts: Minifigure, Torso Assembly, Decor.: 973px126newc01: Known Colors: White Color
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White Torso Shirt with Long Surfboard with Sail on Blue Water in Circle Sunset Logo, Yellow Neck Pattern, Inside with Ribs (Reissue) / Yellow Arms / Yellow Hands

Part No: 973px126newc01  Name: Torso Shirt with Long Surfboard with Sail on Blue Water in Circle Sunset Logo, Yellow Neck Pattern, Inside with Ribs (Reissue) / Yellow Arms / Yellow Hands

This Part appears in at least the following items:

[ List | List with Images | Thumbnail Gallery | Summary ]

 Item No  Description   Year 
Appears As Regular:
 1 in 7324-19 (Inv)Advent Calendar 2005, City (Day 18) - Man with Radio
1 Part, 1 Minifigure
Catalog: SetsHoliday & EventAdvent Sub-SetCity
2005Set No: 7324  Name: Advent Calendar 2005, City (Day 18) - Man with Radio
 1 in 7724-5 (Inv)Advent Calendar 2008, City (Day 4) - Female with Ice Cream
1 Part, 1 Minifigure
Catalog: SetsHoliday & EventAdvent Sub-SetCity
2008Set No: 7724  Name: Advent Calendar 2008, City (Day  4) - Female with Ice Cream
 1 in 5004573-1 (Inv)Athletes Minifigure collection (Toys "R" Us Exclusive)
1 Part, 4 Minifigures
Catalog: SetsCollectible Minifigures(Other)
2016Set No: 5004573  Name: Athletes Minifigure collection (Toys "R" Us Exclusive)
 1 in 31063-1 (Inv)Beachside Vacation
267 Parts, 2 Minifigures
Catalog: SetsCreatorModelBuilding
2017Set No: 31063  Name: Beachside Vacation
 1 in 4548431-1 (Inv)Brick Tub 'Die Lego Show' - Limited Edition
701 Parts
Catalog: SetsCreatorBasic Set
2008Set No: 4548431  Name: Brick Tub 'Die Lego Show' - Limited Edition
 1 in 7639-1 (Inv)Camper
157 Parts, 2 Minifigures
Catalog: SetsTownCityRecreation
2009Set No: 7639  Name: Camper
 1 in 10159-1 (Inv)City Airport - City Logo Box
844 Parts, 12 Minifigures
Catalog: SetsTownCityAirport
2004Set No: 10159  Name: City Airport - City Logo Box
 1 in 10159-2 (Inv)City Airport - Full Size Image Box
830 Parts, 12 Minifigures
Catalog: SetsTownClassic TownAirport
2004Set No: 10159  Name: City Airport - Full Size Image Box
 1 in 9247-2 (Inv)Community Workers {2006 Version}
106 Parts, 31 Minifigures
Catalog: SetsEducational & DactaTown
2006Set No: 9247  Name: Community Workers {2006 Version}
 1 in 6167-1 (Inv)Deluxe Brick Box
693 Parts, 2 Minifigures
Catalog: SetsCreatorBasic Set
2006Set No: 6167  Name: Deluxe Brick Box
 1 in 7795-1 (Inv)Deluxe Starter Set
1092 Parts, 3 Minifigures
Catalog: SetsCreatorBasic Set
2006Set No: 7795  Name: Deluxe Starter Set
 1 in 9698-1 (Inv)FIRST LEGO League (FLL) Challenge 2009 - Smart Move
1309 Parts, 3 Gear
Catalog: SetsFIRST LEGO League
2009Set No: 9698  Name: FIRST LEGO League (FLL) Challenge 2009 - Smart Move
 1 in 45805-1 (Inv)FIRST LEGO League (FLL) Jr. Challenge 2017 - Aqua Adventure Inspire Set
710 Parts
Catalog: SetsFIRST LEGO League
2017Set No: 45805  Name: FIRST LEGO League (FLL) Jr. Challenge 2017 - Aqua Adventure Inspire Set
 1 in 10196-1 (Inv)Grand Carousel
3227 Parts, 9 Minifigures
Catalog: SetsCreatorCreator ExpertFairground Collection
2009Set No: 10196  Name: Grand Carousel
 1 in 4937-1 (Inv)Life Guard - Quick Magic Box Promotional polybag
34 Parts, 1 Minifigure
Catalog: SetsTownCityCoast Guard
2007Set No: 4937  Name: Life Guard - Quick Magic Box Promotional polybag
 1 in 9797-1 (Inv)Mindstorms Education NXT Base Set
431 Parts, 2 Books, 4 Gear
Catalog: SetsEducational & DactaMINDSTORMSNXT
2006Set No: 9797  Name: Mindstorms Education NXT Base Set
 1 in LLCA35-1 (Inv)Obelisk (LEGOLAND California Ambassador Pass Exclusive)
100 Parts, 1 Minifigure
Catalog: SetsLEGO BrandLEGOLAND Parks
2008Set No: LLCA35  Name: Obelisk (LEGOLAND California Ambassador Pass Exclusive)
 1 in 9725-2 (Inv)ROBOLAB Amusement Park Set {2002 Version}
295 Parts, 2 Minifigures, 2 Books, 4 Gear
Catalog: SetsEducational & DactaMINDSTORMSRCX
2002Set No: 9725  Name: ROBOLAB Amusement Park Set {2002 Version}
 1 in 9632-1 (Inv)Science & Technology Base Set
340 Parts, 2 Minifigures, 1 Book, 4 Gear
Catalog: SetsEducational & DactaTechnic
2006Set No: 9632  Name: Science & Technology Base Set
 1 in 9686-1 (Inv)Simple and Motorized Mechanisms Base Set (Simple & Powered Machines Set)
388 Parts, 2 Minifigures, 1 Book, 5 Gear
Catalog: SetsEducational & DactaTechnic
2009Set No: 9686  Name: Simple and Motorized Mechanisms Base Set (Simple & Powered Machines Set)
 1 in 6313092-1 (Inv)Surfer Van
58 Parts, 1 Minifigure
Catalog: SetsPromotional
2019Set No: 6313092  Name: Surfer Van
 1 in 10184-1 (Inv)Town Plan
1948 Parts, 8 Minifigures
Catalog: SetsTownTown Plan
2008Set No: 10184  Name: Town Plan
 2 in 5003180-1 (Inv)WeDo Minifigure Pack
24 Parts
Catalog: SetsEducational & DactaService PacksWeDo
2012Set No: 5003180  Name: WeDo Minifigure Pack
 1 in 9580-1 (Inv)WeDo Robotics Construction Set
4 Sets, 154 Parts, 1 Book, 3 Gear
Catalog: SetsEducational & DactaWeDo
2009Set No: 9580  Name: WeDo Robotics Construction Set
 2 in 9585-1 (Inv)WeDo Robotics Resource Set
326 Parts, 1 Book, 3 Gear
Catalog: SetsEducational & DactaWeDo
2011Set No: 9585  Name: WeDo Robotics Resource Set
 1 in twn127 (Inv)Surfboard on Ocean - Blue Legs, Black Male Hair Wavy
Catalog: MinifiguresTown
2006Minifig No: twn127  Name: Surfboard on Ocean - Blue Legs, Black Male Hair Wavy
 1 in par063 (Inv)Surfboard on Ocean - Blue Legs, Black Ponytail Hair
Catalog: MinifiguresTownCity
2008Minifig No: par063  Name: Surfboard on Ocean - Blue Legs, Black Ponytail Hair
 1 in cty0144 (Inv)Surfboard on Ocean - Blue Legs, Black Short Tousled Hair, Crooked Smile
Catalog: MinifiguresTownCity
2009Minifig No: cty0144  Name: Surfboard on Ocean - Blue Legs, Black Short Tousled Hair, Crooked Smile
 1 in par057 (Inv)Surfboard on Ocean - Blue Legs, Red Cap
Catalog: MinifiguresTownCity
2005Minifig No: par057  Name: Surfboard on Ocean - Blue Legs, Red Cap
 1 in twn070 (Inv)Surfboard on Ocean - Blue Legs, Red Cap, Red Eyebrows, Glasses
Catalog: MinifiguresTownCity
2008Minifig No: twn070  Name: Surfboard on Ocean - Blue Legs, Red Cap, Red Eyebrows, Glasses
 1 in par062 (Inv)Surfboard on Ocean - Blue Legs, Reddish Brown Ponytail Hair
Catalog: MinifiguresTownCity
2007Minifig No: par062  Name: Surfboard on Ocean - Blue Legs, Reddish Brown Ponytail Hair
 1 in twn285 (Inv)Surfboard on Ocean - Dark Blue Legs, Tan Tousled Hair
Catalog: MinifiguresTown
2017Minifig No: twn285  Name: Surfboard on Ocean - Dark Blue Legs, Tan Tousled Hair
 1 in par060 (Inv)Surfboard on Ocean - Green Legs, Red Cap
Catalog: MinifiguresTownCity
2006Minifig No: par060  Name: Surfboard on Ocean - Green Legs, Red Cap
 1 in twn087 (Inv)Surfboard on Ocean - Light Bluish Gray Short Legs, Black Ponytail Hair
Catalog: MinifiguresTown
2009Minifig No: twn087  Name: Surfboard on Ocean - Light Bluish Gray Short Legs, Black Ponytail Hair
 1 in gen024 (Inv)Surfboard on Ocean - Reddish Brown Legs, Red Cap
Catalog: MinifiguresTownCity
2008Minifig No: gen024  Name: Surfboard on Ocean - Reddish Brown Legs, Red Cap
 1 in par031b (Inv)Surfboard on Ocean - White Legs, Blue Cap, Reissue Torso
Catalog: MinifiguresTownParadisa
2004Minifig No: par031b  Name: Surfboard on Ocean - White Legs, Blue Cap, Reissue Torso
 1 in par058a (Inv)Surfboard on Ocean - Yellow Legs, Black Male Hair, Reissue Torso
Catalog: MinifiguresTownCity
2006Minifig No: par058a  Name: Surfboard on Ocean - Yellow Legs, Black Male Hair, Reissue Torso
 1 in par059 (Inv)Surfboard on Ocean, Blue Legs, Black Hips, Blue Cap
Catalog: MinifiguresTown
2006Minifig No: par059  Name: Surfboard on Ocean, Blue Legs, Black Hips, Blue Cap
 1 in gen139a (Inv)Surfer, Red Legs, Tan Hair
Catalog: MinifiguresTown
2019Minifig No: gen139a  Name: Surfer, Red Legs, Tan Hair
 1 in col271a (Inv)Windsurfer - Reissue Paradisa Torso
Catalog: MinifiguresCollectible Minifigures(Other)
2016Minifig No: col271a  Name: Windsurfer - Reissue Paradisa Torso


 Color  In   Total Qty 
Appears As Regular:
 White 40  42 

Please consider uploading an image in the specific color if you have one and the one in the above listing is not available.