Catalog: Parts: Bar: 87994: Known Colors: Trans-Red Color
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Trans-Red Bar 3L (Bar Arrow)

Part No: 87994  Name: Bar   3L (Bar Arrow)

This Part appears in at least the following items:

[ List | List with Images | Thumbnail Gallery | Summary ]

Appears As Regular:
Set No: col08  Name: Evil Robot, Series 8 (Complete Set with Stand and Accessories)

1 in
col08 (Inv)

Set No: 75117  Name: Kylo Ren

2 in
75117 (Inv)

Set No: col03  Name: Space Villain, Series 3 (Complete Set with Stand and Accessories)

1 in
col03 (Inv)

Set No: 850458  Name: VIP Top 5 Boxed Minifigures

1 in
850458 (Inv)


 Color  In   Total Qty 
Appears As Regular:
 Trans-Red 4  5 

Please consider uploading an image in the specific color if you have one and the one in the above listing is not available.