Catalog: Parts: Mini Doll, Legs: 67072c00pb001: Known Colors: Lavender Color
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Lavender Mini Doll Hips and Trousers with Back Pockets with Molded Pearl Dark Gray Lower Legs / Boots and Printed Dark Turquoise Patches Pattern - Thin Hinge

Part No: 67072c00pb001  Name: Mini Doll Hips and Trousers with Back Pockets with Molded Pearl Dark Gray Lower Legs / Boots and Printed Dark Turquoise Patches Pattern - Thin Hinge

This Part appears in at least the following items:

[ List | List with Images | Thumbnail Gallery | Summary ]

Appears As Regular:
Set No: 41716  Name: Stephanie's Sailing Adventure

3 in
41716 (Inv)

Minifig No: frnd547  Name: Friends Capt. Maxine - Lavender Sailing Outfit, Coral Cap, Orange Life Jacket

1 in
   frnd547 (Inv)   

Minifig No: frnd546  Name: Friends Elijah - Lavender Sailing Outfit, Coral Cap, Orange Life Jacket

1 in
   frnd546 (Inv)   

Minifig No: frnd545  Name: Friends Stephanie - Lavender Sailing Outfit, Coral Cap, Orange Life Jacket

1 in
   frnd545 (Inv)   


 Color  In   Total Qty 
Appears As Regular:
 Lavender 4  6 

Please consider uploading an image in the specific color if you have one and the one in the above listing is not available.