Catalog: Parts: Hinge: 40902: Known Colors: Dark Gray Color
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Dark Gray Hinge Brick 2 x 2 Locking with 2 Fingers Vertical and Axle Hole

Part No: 40902  Name: Hinge Brick 2 x 2 Locking with 2 Fingers Vertical and Axle Hole

This Part appears in at least the following items:

[ List | List with Images | Thumbnail Gallery | Summary ]

 Item No  Description   Year 
Appears As Regular:
  Dark Gray:
 12 in 4482-1 (Inv)AT-TE
634 Parts, 4 Minifigures
Catalog: SetsStar WarsStar Wars Episode 2
2003Set No: 4482  Name: AT-TE
 1 in 4587-1 (Inv)Duel Racers
181 Parts, 2 Minifigures
Catalog: SetsRacersDrome Racers
2002Set No: 4587  Name: Duel Racers
 1 in 4478-1 (Inv)Geonosian Fighter, Black Box
150 Parts, 4 Minifigures
Catalog: SetsStar WarsStar Wars Episode 2
2003Set No: 4478  Name: Geonosian Fighter, Black Box
 1 in 4478-2 (Inv)Geonosian Fighter, Blue Box
150 Parts, 4 Minifigures
Catalog: SetsStar WarsStar Wars Episode 2
2004Set No: 4478  Name: Geonosian Fighter, Blue Box
 2 in 4513-1 (Inv)Grand Central Station
328 Parts, 5 Minifigures
Catalog: SetsTrain9VWorld City
2003Set No: 4513  Name: Grand Central Station
 2 in 4588-1 (Inv)Off Road Race Track
351 Parts, 2 Minifigures
Catalog: SetsRacersTrack System
2002Set No: 4588  Name: Off Road Race Track
 1 in 4797-1 (Inv)Ogel Mutant Killer Whale
52 Parts, 1 Minifigure
Catalog: SetsAlpha TeamMission Deep Sea
2002Set No: 4797  Name: Ogel Mutant Killer Whale
 4 in 4793-1 (Inv)Ogel Sub Shark
101 Parts, 3 Minifigures
Catalog: SetsAlpha TeamMission Deep Sea
2002Set No: 4793  Name: Ogel Sub Shark
 1 in 4589-1 (Inv)RC Nitro Flash
131 Parts, 1 Minifigure
Catalog: SetsRacersRadio Control
2002Set No: 4589  Name: RC Nitro Flash


 Color  In   Total Qty 
Appears As Regular:
 Dark Gray 9  25 

Please consider uploading an image in the specific color if you have one and the one in the above listing is not available.