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My Bricklink 'journey' started with my autistic son's ferocious appetite for building Lego. The costs of new sets were starting to add up, and I found that sets on Ebay often had missing pieces, damaged, or in the wrong colour causing meltdowns. So I decided to get cheaper incomplete sets from Ebay and a few job lots (I hadn't discovered Bricklink at this stage) to fill the gaps - I mean, how many Lego pieces can there be? (I naively thought!!).
After filling the loft with Lego pieces to make these sets, it became a nightmare to find the pieces. This is funny, but I initially thought 'I know, I'll cut the tops off some plastic milk bottles and put them in there...ha ha ha, it's hilarious to think of that now.
Small labelled drawers quickly moved to numbered drawers, then larger drawers, then even bigger drawers. Then, frustratingly, my son discovered video games and transformers, and Gundam, and started to lose interest in Lego. So...what to do with this loft full of curated Lego that my wife was furious about...start a Bricklink store!!
He's now completely lost interest in Lego, apart from the yearly advent calendar I put MoCs disaassembled MoCs in (that's right, Transformers and Gundams), and to get more of those he made me BUY BACK THE LEGO I GAVE HIM to add to the store and make room for more Mecha in his room.
And that's where I am now. | This page has been viewed 29 times. |