About Me Pages: About ToastBubbles (338)
Check out my website for Q-Element information! theqelement.com
I collect and trade rare/non-production parts, see below for parts that I have available for trading.
Feel free to send me questions or trade offers.
(Click to enlarge [will navigate to imgur.com])
(Click to enlarge [will navigate to imgur.com])
(Click to enlarge [will navigate to imgur.com])
(Click to enlarge [will navigate to imgur.com])
I am currently only interesting in trading for non-production parts (see below for specific parts). Everything in the images above is available for trade, everything listed in my store is also available for trade. Additionally, I have every Star Wars minifigure in my private collection that I am also willing to use as part of a trade.
I am mostly interested in the following parts:
  • 2x6 Brick
  • 2x4 Brick
  • 1x2 Plate
  • 1x1 Plate
  • 1x1 Plate, Round
  • DUPLO 2x2 Brick
  • DUPLO 2x4 Brick
  • Designer Color Palette 2x2 Tiles (with ID)
2x6 Bricks are the main focus of my collection, if you have a 2x6 brick in any of the following colors, please contact me. (ordered from most sought after, to least)
  1. Chrome Gold
  2. Glitter Trans-Purple
  3. Pearl Gold*
  4. Warm Yellowish Orange
  5. Very Light Orange
  6. Light Brown
  7. Trans-Clear
  8. Trans-Yellow
  9. Trans-Neon Green
  10. Trans-Green
  11. Trans-Dark Blue
  12. Trans-Dark Pink
  13. Trans-Red
  14. Medium Tan
  15. Lavender
  16. Sand Blue
  17. Bright Light Blue
  18. Dark Tan
  19. Milky White (Without Glitter)
  20. Any other color that doesn't already have a photo on bricklink
I will be updating this page regularly, so check back soon!
Last updated:
17 July 2024
This page has been viewed 316 times.