Catalog: Sets: Castle: Supplemental: 6103-1: InvPrinter-friendly page
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Castle Mini Figures

Set No: 6103  Name: Castle Mini Figures

This Set Consists of the following Items:

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 Image   Qty   Item No  Description   MID 
Regular Items:
Part No: 3846p48  Name: Minifigure, Shield Triangular Short with Forestmen Elk / Deer Head on Green Background Pattern
 1  3846p48Brown Minifigure, Shield Triangular Short with Forestmen Elk / Deer Head on Green Background Pattern
Catalog: PartsMinifigure, Shield
Part No: 4496  Name: Minifigure, Utensil Pitchfork - Handle with Round End
 1  4496Brown Minifigure, Utensil Pitchfork - Handle with Round End
Catalog: PartsMinifigure, Utensil
Part No: 3848  Name: Minifigure, Weapon Axe, Halberd
 1  3848Brown Minifigure, Weapon Axe, Halberd
Catalog: PartsMinifigure, Weapon
Part No: 4499  Name: Minifigure, Weapon Bow, Longbow with Arrow Drawn
 2  4499Brown Minifigure, Weapon Bow, Longbow with Arrow Drawn
Catalog: PartsMinifigure, Weapon
Part No: 3847  Name: Minifigure, Weapon Sword, Shortsword
 2  3847Dark Gray Minifigure, Weapon Sword, Shortsword
Catalog: PartsMinifigure, Weapon
Part No: 3846px9  Name: Minifigure, Shield Triangular Short with Black and White Falcon with Blue Border Pattern
 1  3846px9Light Gray Minifigure, Shield Triangular Short with Black and White Falcon with Blue Border Pattern
Catalog: PartsMinifigure, Shield
Part No: 3846p4g  Name: Minifigure, Shield Triangular Short with Blue Lion Standing on Yellow Background with Red Border Pattern
 1  3846p4gLight Gray Minifigure, Shield Triangular Short with Blue Lion Standing on Yellow Background with Red Border Pattern
Catalog: PartsMinifigure, Shield
Part No: 4502c  Name: Minifigure, Plume Feather Large
 1  4502cRed Minifigure, Plume Feather Large
Catalog: PartsMinifigure, Headgear Accessory
Part No: 4502b  Name: Minifigure, Plume Feather Triple
 1  4502bRed Minifigure, Plume Feather Triple
Catalog: PartsMinifigure, Headgear Accessory
Part No: 4502c  Name: Minifigure, Plume Feather Large
 1  4502cYellow Minifigure, Plume Feather Large
Catalog: PartsMinifigure, Headgear Accessory
Part No: 4502b  Name: Minifigure, Plume Feather Triple
 1  4502bYellow Minifigure, Plume Feather Triple
Catalog: PartsMinifigure, Headgear Accessory
Minifig No: cas005  Name: Black Falcon - Black Legs with Red Hips, Black Chin-Guard, Quiver
 1  cas005 (Inv)Black Falcon - Black Legs with Red Hips, Black Chin-Guard, Quiver
Catalog: MinifiguresCastleBlack Falcons
Minifig No: cas099  Name: Black Falcon - Black Legs with Red Hips, Black Neck-Protector
 1  cas099 (Inv)Black Falcon - Black Legs with Red Hips, Black Neck-Protector
Catalog: MinifiguresCastleBlack Falcons
Minifig No: cas119  Name: Crusader Lion - Red Legs with Black Hips, Dark Gray Chin-Guard
 1  cas119 (Inv)Crusader Lion - Red Legs with Black Hips, Dark Gray Chin-Guard
Catalog: MinifiguresCastleCrusaders
Minifig No: cas123a  Name: Forestman - Pouch, Green Hat, Yellow Feather, Quiver
 1  cas123a (Inv)Forestman - Pouch, Green Hat, Yellow Feather, Quiver
Catalog: MinifiguresCastleForestmen
Minifig No: cas139  Name: Forestman - Red, Brown Hat, Red Feather
 1  cas139 (Inv)Forestman - Red, Brown Hat, Red Feather
Catalog: MinifiguresCastleForestmen
Minifig No: cas553  Name: Peasant - Blue Legs, Black Hood, D-Basket
 1  cas553 (Inv)Peasant - Blue Legs, Black Hood, D-Basket
Catalog: MinifiguresCastle


 Type  Unique Lots  Total Qty 
Regular Items:
 Parts  11  13 
 Minifigures  6  6 


tEoS (5297) inventoried this Set on Dec 17, 2003, inventory last updated on Oct 18, 2019.

Links Related to this Inventory:

See explanation on what Regular, Extra, Counterpart and Alternate means.

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