Catalog: Books: Activity Book: NINJAGO: Legacy: b20njol02nl: InvPrinter-friendly page
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NINJAGO Legacy - Bewapend Voor Actie! (Dutch Edition)

Book No: b20njol02nl  Name: NINJAGO Legacy - Bewapend Voor Actie! (Dutch Edition)

This Book Contains the following Items:

[ List | List with Images ]

 Image   Qty   Item No  Description   MID 
Regular Items:
Part No: 30374  Name: Bar   4L (Lightsaber Blade / Wand)
 1  30374Black Bar 4L (Lightsaber Blade / Wand)
Catalog: PartsBar
Part No: 85861  Name: Plate, Round 1 x 1 with Open Stud
 1  85861Black Plate, Round 1 x 1 with Open Stud
Catalog: PartsPlate, Round
Part No: 6117  Name: Minifigure, Utensil Tool Chainsaw Blade
 1  6117Dark Bluish Gray Minifigure, Utensil Tool Chainsaw Blade
Catalog: PartsMinifigure, Utensil
Part No: 21459  Name: Minifigure, Weapon Sword, Shamshir / Katana (Square Guard) with Capped Pommel and Holes in Crossguard and Blade
 1  21459Medium Azure Minifigure, Weapon Sword, Shamshir / Katana (Square Guard) with Capped Pommel and Holes in Crossguard and Blade
Catalog: PartsMinifigure, Weapon
Part No: 2570  Name: Minifigure, Weapon Crossbow
 1  2570Pearl Dark Gray Minifigure, Weapon Crossbow
Catalog: PartsMinifigure, Weapon
Part No: 64567  Name: Minifigure, Weapon Lightsaber Hilt Straight
 1  64567Pearl Dark Gray Minifigure, Weapon Lightsaber Hilt Straight
Catalog: PartsMinifigure, Weapon
Part No: 98141  Name: Minifigure, Weapon Crescent Blade, Serrated with Bar
 1  98141Pearl Gold Minifigure, Weapon Crescent Blade, Serrated with Bar
Catalog: PartsMinifigure, Weapon
Part No: 18041  Name: Minifigure, Weapon Harpoon, Smooth Shaft
 1  18041Pearl Gold Minifigure, Weapon Harpoon, Smooth Shaft
Catalog: PartsMinifigure, Weapon
Part No: 98139  Name: Minifigure, Weapon Sai
 1  98139Pearl Gold Minifigure, Weapon Sai
Catalog: PartsMinifigure, Weapon
Part No: 92690  Name: Bar   1L with Top Stud and 2 Side Studs (Connector Perpendicular)
 1  92690Reddish Brown Bar 1L with Top Stud and 2 Side Studs (Connector Perpendicular)
Catalog: PartsBar
Part No: 11601  Name: Minifigure, Weapon Blade with Bar Handle and Spikes
 1  11601Trans-Light Blue Minifigure, Weapon Blade with Bar Handle and Spikes
Catalog: PartsMinifigure, Weapon
Part No: 23860  Name: Minifigure, Weapon Sword, Blade with Bar
 1  23860Trans-Light Blue Minifigure, Weapon Sword, Blade with Bar
Catalog: PartsMinifigure, Weapon
Part No: 85861  Name: Plate, Round 1 x 1 with Open Stud
 1  85861Trans-Light Blue Plate, Round 1 x 1 with Open Stud
Catalog: PartsPlate, Round
Part No: 30104  Name: Chain 21 Links (16-17L)
 1  30104Trans-Neon Green Chain 21 Links (16-17L)
Catalog: PartsChain
Part No: 23861  Name: Minifigure, Weapon Blade with Bars and 5 Spikes
 1  23861Trans-Neon Orange Minifigure, Weapon Blade with Bars and 5 Spikes
Catalog: PartsMinifigure, Weapon
Part No: 85861  Name: Plate, Round 1 x 1 with Open Stud
 1  85861Trans-Orange Plate, Round 1 x 1 with Open Stud
Catalog: PartsPlate, Round
Part No: 6126b  Name: Wave Rounded Straight with Bar End (Castle Dragon Flame / Seaweed / Water)
 1  6126bTrans-Orange Wave Rounded Straight with Bar End (Castle Dragon Flame / Seaweed / Water)
Catalog: PartsEnergy Effect
Part No: 87747  Name: Barb / Claw / Horn / Tooth - Medium
 1  87747White Barb / Claw / Horn / Tooth - Medium
Catalog: PartsAnimal, Body Part
Part No: 65080pb02  Name: Minifigure, Utensil Game Controller, Holes on Sides for Bar with Molded Black Buttons and Center Handle Pattern
 1  65080pb02White Minifigure, Utensil Game Controller, Holes on Sides for Bar with Molded Black Buttons and Center Handle Pattern
Catalog: PartsMinifigure, Utensil, Decorated


 Type  Unique Lots  Total Qty 
Regular Items:
 Parts  19  19 

Set Box/Picture

Hygrotus (869) inventoried this Book on Feb 2, 2021.

Links Related to this Inventory:

See explanation on what Regular, Extra, Counterpart and Alternate means.

Disclaimer: BrickLink does not guarantee an inventory to be correct and therefore an inventory should be only used as a guide.