Catalog: Parts: Animal, Land: 24689pb01c01: Change LogHelp on Catalog Change Request

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 Change Description By
Part 24689pb01c01 Ostrich with Light Nougat Legs and Head, White Tail and Wingtips Pattern (Inv): LifeInPlastic (6622)
    CompletedChanged Packing Type from {W} to {V}
    CompletedChanged Packing Dimensions from {0 x 0 x 0} to {2.1 x 4.7 x 5.4}
Part 24689pb01c01 Ostrich with Light Nougat Legs and Head, White Tail and Wingtips Pattern (Inv): randyf (442)
    CompletedChanged Item Name from {Ostrich with White Tail and Wingtips and Light Nougat Legs and Head}
Part 24689pb01c01 Ostrich with Light Nougat Legs and Head, White Tail and Wingtips Pattern (Inv): jennnifer (3531)
    CompletedChanged Item Name from {Ostrich with White Tail and Wingtips and Light Flesh Legs and Head}
Part 24689pb01c01 Ostrich with Light Nougat Legs and Head, White Tail and Wingtips Pattern (Inv): randyf (442)
    CompletedChanged Item Name from {Ostrich with White Tail and Wingtips and Light Flesh Legs and Head, Complete Assembly}
Part 24689pb01c01 Ostrich with Light Nougat Legs and Head, White Tail and Wingtips Pattern (Inv): maggiec (1690)
    Updated DirectlyMoved Xref From Color (Not Applicable) To Color Black