Catalog: Gear: Poster: Space: Life on Mars: 4133638: Change LogHelp on Catalog Change Request

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 Change Description By
Gear 4133638 Life on Mars Mini-Poster - Mac with Altair, Antares, Canopus, Cassiopeia, Centauri, and Vega: randyf (442)
    CompletedChanged Item Name from {Life On Mars Mini-Poster, Mac and Six Martians}
Gear 4133638 Life on Mars Mini-Poster - Mac with Altair, Antares, Canopus, Cassiopeia, Centauri, and Vega: therobo (9680)
    Updated DirectlyMerged from Gear p01lom2
Gear 4133638 Life on Mars Mini-Poster - Mac with Altair, Antares, Canopus, Cassiopeia, Centauri, and Vega: firefly (560)
    Updated DirectlyChanged Item No from {poster004} to {p01lom2}
Gear 4133638 Life on Mars Mini-Poster - Mac with Altair, Antares, Canopus, Cassiopeia, Centauri, and Vega: maggiec (1690)
    Updated DirectlyMerged from Gear 4133638