Catalog: Parts: Train: 2924bpb01: Change LogHelp on Catalog Change Request

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 Change Description By
Part 2924bpb01 Train Front 2 x 6 x 5 1/3 with 1 x 4 x 2 Cutout and Window with Molded Trans-Clear Glass Pattern: Turez (43)
    Updated DirectlyChanged Item No from {2924b} to {2924bpb01}
Part 2924bpb01 Train Front 2 x 6 x 5 1/3 with 1 x 4 x 2 Cutout and Window with Molded Trans-Clear Glass Pattern: normann1974 (2291)
    CompletedChanged Item Name from {Train Front with 1 x 4 x 2 Cutout}