Catalog: Parts: Minifigure, Headgear Accessory: 35636pb01: Change LogHelp on Catalog Change Request

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 Change Description By
Part 35636pb01 Minifigure, Visor Mask Ninjago Oni with Mask of Hatred with Closed Mouth Pattern: axaday (7301)
    CompletedChanged Item No from {35836pb01} to {35636pb01}
Part 35636pb01 Minifigure, Visor Mask Ninjago Oni with Mask of Hatred with Closed Mouth Pattern: Neehee (1091)
    CompletedChanged Packing Type from {V} to {W}
    CompletedChanged Packing Dimensions from {0 x 0 x 0} to {1.81 x 2.01 x 1.01}
Part 35636pb01 Minifigure, Visor Mask Ninjago Oni with Mask of Hatred with Closed Mouth Pattern: axaday (7301)
    CompletedChanged Category from {Minifig, Headgear} to {Minifig, Headgear Accessory}