Catalog: Parts: Electric, Wire & Connector: 765c14: Change LogHelp on Catalog Change Request

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 Change Description By
Part 765c14 Electric, Wire 12V / 4.5V with 2 Leads, 14 Studs Long with 4 Light Gray Electric, Connector, 1-Way Male Squared (x466c14 / 765c01) (Inv): randyf (442)
    CompletedChanged Item Name from {Electric, Wire 12V / 4.5V with 2 Leads, 14 Studs Long with 4 Light Gray Electric, Connector, 1-Way Male Squared (x466c14 / 765c01)}
    CompletedChanged Item Name from {Electric, Wire 12V / 4.5V with four 1-prong connectors, 14 Studs Long}